August will bring many new things and activities within our adult program ReConnect2Success, beginning with our first book discussion. As you may recall, in June we provided each youth at the Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility (NCYF) with the book "Letters to an Incarcerated Brother" by Hill Harper. Later this month, R2S staff will return to NCYF to engage in a book discussion over the book.
ReConnect, Inc. will also launch two new programs at the Nebraska prisons: Pass it On and Right Start. Pass it On is a life skills and personal development class developed for men serving sentences of 20 years or more. The purpose of the class is to help transform the prison culture through the self-development of the men who are serving long sentences. The hope is to help them transform their image of prison and in turn pass the skills on to incoming men. "I have no doubt it's going to be a game changer and we are proud to offer this class," said creator LaVon Stennis-Williams. The class will first be piloted at Tecumseh State Correctional Institution and we hope to have it in all of the male prisons by the start of 2018. The second class we will begin offering is Right Start, a career assessment and job readiness class. Right Start teaches how to effectively use career assessment tools such as the Holland Code to find a satisfying and stable job in the context of your criminal history. Right Start teaches the ABCs of employment -- a job that aligns with our skills, interest and values that will lead to a better job, which will allow you to gain more skills that will lead you into your career.
C'mon August, we are excited you are here!
If interested in any event listed on the flyer, please call (402) 934-4933 or email to register.
August Events:
August 17th| 1:00 PM - Child Support Services
A representative from Child Support Services will speak about navigating through child support barriers and making adjustments.
August 24th| 1:00 PM - Job Club: Lund Ross Constructors
A representative from Lund Ross Constructors will be present to help job seekers who are interested in a career in the construction industry.
Every Tuesday | 11:00 AM - R2S Orientation Weekly ReConnect2Success Orientation introduces new clients to our program through a brief presentation, opportunities available within our program, and assistance obtaining government identification for employment purposes.
Every Thursday | 11:00 AM - Ready to Work Employment Workshops Weekly employment workshops help clients with resume development, mock interviews, job readiness skills, job leads and assistance applying for jobs.